Politics By Jim Stratman 3239 Views

Kentucky woman catches COVID-19 twice, once after being fully vaccinated

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Governor Andy Beshear is dropping COVID-19 restrictions across the state on June 11 thanks, in large part, to the vaccination effort in the state.

However, just because you get the vaccine doesn’t mean you’re completely immune to catching the virus again. It happened to one Kentucky woman after she caught COVID-19 and was fully vaccinated.

The vaccines that are out there are extremely effective at what they do, they keep you from getting very sick and dying from COVID-19. That said, there is a chance you can still catch the disease again.

Sarah Korcz caught COVID-19 around Thanksgiving and didn’t show any symptoms. She then got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine in April. Now, she’s having to quarantine again after she tested positive for COVID-19.

“It’s got to be very rare. The problem is that not everyone will build the same response and not everybody is going to have the same particular exposures to COVID 19,” said Lexington physician Dr. Ryan Stanton.

Dr. Stanton says that until we get to a good level of herd immunity these types of “breakthrough cases” can happen.

According to the CDC, more than 10,000 breakthrough cases have been reported since late April with 27% of those being asymptomatic, 10% required hospitalization, and 2% died.

Dr. Stanton says, as the virus continues to evolve, the risk of catching the disease multiple times will be present.

“As this spreads we’re going to see variants, we’re going to see breakthroughs and the closer we get to herd immunity in our community, the less we’ll see spread, the less we’ll see variants and the less we’re going to have to continue to report on new and different versions of COVID out there,” Stanton said.

Dr. Stanton said that herd immunity could be anywhere from 60-80% of the population being vaccinated, but he acknowledged that we’re still learning about the virus and herd immunity could mean that we eradicate the virus, like smallpox, or we get a handle on the virus and it becomes similar to the flu.


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