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Why software updates are essential for staying cyber secure

(NC) Our devices contain a lot of information about our online activities, personal data and even our banking and financial information – which is why it’s so important to keep them safe from cyber threats.

Cyber threats are constantly changing. That’s why operating system providers regularly offer updates: to protect you from ever-changing threats from cybercriminals.

If you don’t update your OS, you leave yourself vulnerable to losing the information on your device or compromising access to key accounts. That can cost you your identity, your information and even money.

Here are a few tricks you can use to remember to update your software:

  • Enable automatic updates: Most operating systems for both mobile devices and personal computers allow you to automatically download and install updates, so you can set it and forget it.
  • Open your device during off hours: Set a timer during an off period to remind yourself to update your device, and check for software updates before you go to bed so you can update while you sleep.
  • Take a break: Take some time away from your desk during lunch or on your morning coffee break to run your updates.

Software updates are about a lot more than just getting the latest features for your device or computer. They have important updates that protect you – and your device – from cyber threats. Ensure you’re staying cyber secure by keeping your operating system up to date.


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