Opinion By Diane Francis 246 Views

The G20’s Competing Agendas: Economic Growth, Ending Tax Avoidance — and Geopolitical Theatre

Europe’s Rosetta space ship landed on a comet this week after a decade and made technological history. Unfortunately, just days later it’s running out of battery power. But, then again, so does everything including European economies, oil and market prices and Obama’s presidency.

The need for recharging, and realignments, represent the hidden agenda at this weekend’s G20 meeting in Australia. Turnout is expected to be impressive and will include leaders of countries representing 85% of the world’s GDP, and 80% of its trade. Official agenda items will be strengthening banks, growing economies and ending tax avoidance by multinationals.

But G20 summits are always geopolitical theatre and Russia’s Vlad the Annexer has already upstaged everyone. He cast himself in a starring role this week by ramping up the military invasion of Eastern Ukraine. His antagonist will be G20 host, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who brings a decidedly and undiplomatic Australian style to the proceedings. He has threatened to “shirtfront” Putin over Russia’s involvement in the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 that killed 38 Australians, and has demanded an apology and compensation.

Putin’s response was Czarist – he sent a flotilla of Russian warships to the waters near Brisbane and the summit.

Then poor Mr. Abbott’s summit was upstaged again by the impressive climate change deal struck this week between the U.S. and China, the world’s two biggest gas emitters. Headlines globally followed, most pointedly in Australia, about its laggard environmental record, but also in Canada where there will be pressure to match American pledges, oil sands or not.

The green deal made headlines in the U.S. and within hours sparked demands from Republicans, and some pro-pipeline Democrats, to approve Keystone XL immediately. Plans are for the Senate to approve Keystone immediately and force the president to sign or veto early next week. If he vetoes, they can override his veto in January (when the newly elected take office) but only with a super-majorities of two-thirds. Obama has already said he likely will ignore this.

But a statement he made at a news conference in Myanmar this week does not bode well for Canada’s oil sands ambitions. He told an ABC reporter: “Understand what this project is: It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else. It doesn’t have an impact on U.S. gasoline prices. If my Republican friends really want to focus on what’s good for the American people in terms of job creation, and lower energy costs, we should be engaging in a conversation about what are we doing to produce even more homegrown energy?”

More importantly than the never-ending pipeline debate, is the fact that Obama is defiant in the face of electoral slippage to the Republicans who now control Congress. In Canadian terms, this would be like a prime minister with a minority government defying the majority. The difference is, however, that a Canadian PM who did that would trigger a snap election, but in the U.S. a president who does that will trigger two years’ of gridlock, squabbling and national demoralization.

Back to the summit and this weekend’s fireworks. There will be street theater by protesters and a possible contretemps with Putin. Abbott, the host, couldn’t help himself this week again in response to the offshore saber rattling. “Russia would be so much more attractive if it was aspiring to be a superpower for peace and freedom and prosperity, instead of trying to recreate the lost glories of Tsarism or the old Soviet Union,” he said.

Britain’s David Cameron waded in with threats of deeper sanctions and even Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel piled on and said: “What is concerning me quite more [than Putin’s show of force] is that the territorial integrity of Ukraine is being violated and that the agreement of Minsk [truce] is not followed.”

Putin is hardly friendly at the best of times but will be pricklier than usual, given the summit is being held around the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. To the West, this was a triumph but to Putin, a tragedy.

His aggressions makes him a pariah and some suggest he should be booted out of the G20 as he was out of the G8 in the spring. But that’s unlikely to find itself on the agenda this weekend. Europe is hostage to Russia as its biggest energy source and any precipitous actions may result in a very cold winter. And cooler heads may prevail by acceding to the principle that summits are important if only because they keep friends close and enemies closer.

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