Latest talking-head Democrat contender for POTUS 2020, Pete Buttigieg blames God for making him homosexual while condemning and questioning Trump’s faith
(Natural News) If you’re the type of person who believes all of the hype about the mainstream media’s latest flavor of the week, Pete Buttigieg, then you probably think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread – the next Leftist “savior†who needs to be elected president in 2020 in order to “resist Trump.†But this joke of a candidate is just another run-of-the-mill, fake news-spreading blasphemer with absolutely nothing to offer Americans beyond the usual far-Left talking points and Trump-bashing quips – a quintessential Democrat, in other words.
Though the fake news brigade is working really hard to brand him as something supernaturally amazing, Buttigieg is basically just another carbon copy of the dozens of other Democrats currently vying for the Oval Office in 2020 – except that he’s a white man who’s married to another man, which means he’s the Leftist media’s latest “golden child†to be worshiped and adored as a progressive political miracle.
When Buttigieg isn’t busying himself spreading long-debunked fake news about President Donald Trump on Twitter, he apparently keeps himself busy pretending to be a Christian – and chastising real Christians for adhering to the tenets of the Word of God, unlike himself. You see, Buttigieg has convinced himself that being a homosexual is not only perfectly in-line with Biblical Christianity, but he also blames the Creator of the universe for supposedly making him that way.
Ironically, Buttigieg has a very narrow view of what it means to be a Christian in 2019 – and in his opinion, President Trump doesn’t fit the bill. In casting his theocratic vision on numerous different occasions, Buttigieg has openly judged our Commander-in-Chief as a “hypocrite,†assuming the position of God himself in condemning our President as not truly being of the faith.
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“I’m reluctant to comment on another person’s faith, but I would say it is hard to look at this president’s actions and believe that they’re the actions of somebody who believes in God,†Buttigieg is quoted as saying, spewing the very same type of intolerance that he and other members of the LGBT Mafia accuse others of doing.
“I just don’t understand how you can be as worshipful of your own self as he is and be prepared to humble yourself before God. I’ve never seen him humble himself before anyone.â€
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Judge not, lest ye be judged – right, Buttigieg?
It’s rather humorous to watch far-Left lunatics like Buttigieg pretend to occupy the moral high ground in their condemnation of not only President Trump, but also his supporters – whom Buttigieg has also decided to judge as “hypocrites†for supporting both him and his policies.
Twisting scripture out of context, as Leftists notoriously do, Buttigieg ranted about how President Trump and his supporters act in ways that he thinks are “not consistent with anything I hear in scripture or church where it is about lifting up the least among us and taking care of strangers,†going on to liken strangers to “immigrants†– whom, like all other Leftist politicians, he deceptively lumps together with illegal aliens.
This, of course, was part of Buttigieg’s fake news tweet on Twitter, in which he falsely implied that President Trump once referred to all “immigrants†as “animals†– when, in fact, he was actually referring to MS-13 gang members who violently assault and murder innocent Americans for sport.
“Here’s a thought: When you are living a life in open defiance to God, you might not want to attack the faith of others,†wrote John Nolte for Breitbart News, calling out Buttigieg for his open rebellion against God.
“… here’s a guy lecturing others about Christianity when he doesn’t even understand the basics of the faith and when he supports the infanticide of abortion – which violates nothing less than the sixth commandment,†Nolte further added.
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