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Is Your Trailer Ready for the Long Haul?

(NC) Pulling a trailer is often harder than you think. Just like your first time behind the wheel, you need to become familiar with and practice a few things before being ready for a long drive.

Start by checking the vehicle owner's manual to make sure you have the torque and towing capacity for the trailer it'll be pulling. Your maximum safe towing capacity will depend on whether or not the trailer has brakes. Over-exertion could mean serious damage, costly repairs and reduced longevity for your vehicle.

“If you've never pulled a trailer before, go to an open parking lot and practice backing up and making turns,” recommends Andrew Sohier, insurance expert at Aviva Insurance. “A large number of insurance claims come from first-time trailer users. Talk to an insurance broker to make sure you have the right coverage in place before heading out.”

Sohier offers the following tips for drivers who are new to pulling a trailer:

When hitching:

• Use towing mirrors or stick-on concave spotter mirrors. Adjust them to help see around the trailer.

• Balance weight on the towball — too much will strain the vehicle's suspension and tow hitch and reduce the driver's steering grip; too little could mean an unstable tow.

• Correct tire pressure; too little pressure means hotter tires that could produce trailer sway or a blow-out.

• Create a hitching and unhitching routine so it's easy to remember every checkpoint.

When driving:

• Use a spotter when reversing; hand signals work best. Remember to steer in the opposite direction you want the trailer to go.

Increase your stopping distance, and keep in mind it will also take longer to pass and make lane changes.

• Leave room when turning. On any bend in the road, a trailer will “cut in” and take a shorter path around a corner than the towing vehicle. Make wider, later turns, especially on roundabouts and when turning right.

• Know the height of your trailer and watch for maximum clearance signs.

Find more information from your insurance broker or online at


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