Simple Tips for a safer Highway Experience this Summer
(NC) For Canada's 150th birthday celebrations, many of us are planning road trips to explore locations across the country. But even though it's summertime, it's still important to be cautious when driving on the highway. To help you reduce the risks you may come across, follow these four seasonal driving tips:
1. Remember rain and standing water. The summer months can often be quite rainy, which may result in your vehicle hydroplaning. This is when your tires are on top of the water, versus them having direct contact with the road. If this happens to you, reduce your speed. Before departing on your trip, make sure your windshield wipers are in good shape, and invest in a new set if they haven't been replaced in a while. If you're travelling in or through Alberta, don't forget the mountain passes can experience snow at any time of the year, even during the warmer months.
2. Be defensive. When you take to the open road, it's best to drive defensively and maintain a safe speed. The faster you go, the less time you'll have to react to other drivers or obstacles on the road. Leave plenty of room between your car and the one in front of you. If it's raining, leave even more space. And remember, pull over at a rest stop if you need to talk or text.
3. Stay alert and stay safe. With many people hitting the road, the highways are certain to be busy. And with the warmer temperatures, there will be more motorcyclists and cyclists on the road too. Make sure to stay alert, as these types of motorists are often in blind spots or less visible. Make sure you are aware of and paying attention to everything that is around your vehicle.
4. Registration and insurance. Make sure your insurance is valid and that your registration is up to date. Does your coverage include your vacation car rental or hail damage? Companies such as Esurance allow you to check and update your policy online, making insurance easy. Get your free insurance quote today online at
Attention editors: This article is for distribution in Alberta only.
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