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Tips to Keep Out Pests During Home Renovations

(NC) Planning a remodel is an exciting time for many homeowners, as they design a fresh look for their space. While there may not be a Pinterest board dedicated to it yet, home renovations are also the perfect time to boost your home's defense against pest invaders.

“It's a good idea to take steps during renovations to make your home less hospitable to pests,” suggests Dr. Alice Sinia, resident entomologist for Orkin Canada. “This form of proactive pest management is a highly effective, environmentally responsible solution to pest issues.”

Consider the following tips while updating your home:

1. Prepare the land. The first step to pest prevention while undergoing construction on your property is to grate the land so puddles do not form around your home's foundation. Standing water can serve as a breeding site for mosquitos and damp, disturbed soil can attract subterranean termites.

2. Landscaping. While planting new shrubbery, make sure it is at least two feet away from your home, as branches and leaves can easily serve as bridges for insects and pests to crawl from vegetation to foundation. Avoid plants that produce fruits, especially berries, as they attract pests to your property.

3. Lighting. Install LED lights outside your home, as pests are less attracted to them than typical bulbs. This will help keep flying insects away from your doors.

4. Seal out pests. Ensure all doors and windows are flush against frames, and install weather stripping to help prevent small pests from squeezing their way inside. Identify unscreened vents, gaps around utility lines, cracks in walls or the building foundation and seal them with appropriate sealants.

For more customized tips and solutions, contact your local pest management professional.


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