Are You Ready for a Serious Emergency?
(NC) Canadians face a number of natural hazards that can vary from region to region. Knowing what can happen in your area is an important first step in getting prepared, which can be as simple as making your own emergency kit and creating a family preparedness plan.
With Emergency Preparedness Week running May 7 to 13, now is the perfect time to take a few simple steps like these to get better prepared for any kind of crisis:
Know the risks in your area. Learn what risks your region faces, such as floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes. Public Safety Canada's emergency preparedness website www.getprepared.caalso has information on preparing for other hazards and emergencies.
Make a plan. Every household needs an emergency plan. A plan will help you and your family know what to do, where to meet and how to get in touch if disaster strikes. You can create a plan using online tools, making it easier to share with loved ones.
Get an emergency kit. During an emergency, you may need to get by without power or running water. Basic supplies — such as non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, and a radio — are a good idea.
Take steps to mitigate the risks. Once you know the risks in your region, you may be able to take steps to lessen the impact of disasters. For instance, if you live in a flood-prone area, consider getting backup power for a sump pump in your home. Or, if you live in a fire-prone region, clear brush from 30 to 50 metres or more around your home. Simple steps may prevent thousands of dollars in damage, not to mention major inconveniences and possible risks to your health and safety.
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