Bill 229 would limit power of conservation authorities
Tucked away in Schedule 6 of the omnibus Budget Bill 229 of Nov. 5 is a proposed law to severely limit the power of conservation authorities in Ontario. Since 1946, provincial governments and municipalities have been able to rely on the scientific and planning input from conservation authorities on housing and industrial developments, flood control, watershed management, conservation, and, more lately, to help communities build resilience to climate change.
The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) has prepared a preliminary analysis of Schedule 6, outlining the proposed changes and their serious implications.
Among the key concerns identified by CELA are:
- Narrowing the scope and powers of Conservation Authorities, thereby impeding the achievement of the overall purpose of the Conservation Authorities Act, which is to “provide for the organisation and delivery of programs and services that further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in watersheds in Ontarioâ€;
- Reducing the ability of Conservation Authorities to act as independent public bodies in land use planning, including removing their ability to seek to appeal municipal planning decisions;
- Introducing new rights for developers to force fast-tracking of development approvals and to appeal decisions that they do not like, without providing the same opportunity to citizens who may wish to challenge decisions which damage the environment; and, finally, of grave concern,
- Giving the minister new powers to overturn a conservation authority’s decision to refuse to issue a permit for development.
Alarmingly, the proposed changes were introduced as part of a budget bill, which means that the public’s right to comment under the Environmental Bill of Rights is overridden.
It appears that Premier Doug Ford’s proposed legislation expedites developments at the same time as it markedly reduces the ability of conservation authorities to carry out due diligence in providing environmental reports. Reports that have historically proven to be invaluable in preserving the health and diversity of Ontario’s watersheds when developers pursue new projects.
Since the government might attempt to pass this legislation in the near future it is important for concerned citizens to act immediately. If concerned, contact ‘Ontario Nature’ on the web and sign an excellent form letter—over 15,000 concerned Ontarians have already signed!
In addition, a phone call or email to our local MPP, Lisa Thompson, MPP Huron-Bruce, expressing your concerns is also advisable.
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