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Thanks to Trump, America is now QUESTIONING ALL VACCINES and “herd immunity”


(Natural News) Oh, the beauty of irony. Now, since everyone on the Left must hate everything Trump says and does, the masses are being forced to question the very “holy grail” of all of Western Medicine – vaccines. Also in question now is the age-old vaccine propaganda of “herd immunity,” where all the fanatical “vaxxers” claim they’re safe together, as long as they don’t hang around the “anti-vaxxers.” That’s just another theory blown out of the water by its own rationale, because shouldn’t they all be immune to the diseases for which they’re vaccinated? What are they worried about, if vaccines work? Now they’re all against herding, and against getting the vaccine, just because Trump is pushing for one. Let’s think about that for just a minute.

Trump says get the vaccine, and now all vaccination rates in general hit the gutter, and the masses are all questioning what they pushed so hard before. It’s absolute entertainment to the natural health enthusiasts who know, and have known for decades, that modern vaccinations are dirty and chock full of CNS-damaging heavy metal toxins, genetically mutated organisms, and human abortion cells.

Could it be that Trump is pushing vaccines because he’s against them?

After all, Trump already spoke out about vaccine dangers, and getting too many and too frequently. It’s on the record. That’s right, all the way back in 2012, during a Fox News interview, Trump said that he’s witnessed healthy children fall deathly ill after getting vaccinations and that he has NO DOUBT in his mind that (ASD) autism and vaccines are linked directly. Trump is like a seasoned chess player when it comes to dismantling pharma and their tactics, so maybe, just maybe, this is part of the plan.

Remember, in 2012, Trump stated, “I’ve gotten to be pretty familiar with the subject” (vaccines). “You know, I have a theory – and it’s a theory that some people believe in — and that’s the vaccinations,” he then spoke of the exponential increase in autism rates that coincides directly with the CDC’s ever-expanding vaccine schedule, that now includes 60 vaccinations for all U.S. children before age 7.

According to vaccine fanatics, aren’t we all supposed to believe in “herd immunity” and get the Covid vaccine the day it’s made, then all stick together?  

Before Trump started pushing for a Covid vaccine, every vaccine-believing parent and government official screamed that every child and every person must get every vaccine the CDC recommends or face the consequences of banishment, persecution and even child “protective” services coming and taking your children away due to your ‘neglect and endangerment’ — to your children and everyone else’s.

Trump has outsmarted the Left and their bullying tactics on many fronts, but this may be the biggest, deepest cutting wound to afflict those control freaks and pharma-investing goons, including Bill Gates.

Also, it’s important to notice that Trump is NOT calling for forced vaccination (like Democrat governors in California and New York do), only saying he would make 200 million vaccines available immediately (after being “rushed” to, and through, clinical trials at “warp speed”) and that he would mobilize the military to disperse and distribute them.

Vaccines are dangerous, never tested properly, and never as effective as the CDC claims

The tradeoff is not worth it. The danger of vaccination far outweighs any benefits one might get from a vaccine, much less dozens of vaccines that include combination jabs and highly experimental ones, to boot.

Most vaccines are just a “shot in the dark” (pun intended). The CDC and the vaccine manufacturers have no proof they work at all, and it doesn’t matter. Why? Because you cannot sue vaccine manufacturers, ever, plus, they don’t want them to work anyway. The whole goal is to infect the masses, dumb them down, give kids autism and create “clients for life.” Get it? There’s so much more money in keeping people sick than in healing them, so there’s the rub. It’s been that way since the 1950s. Try to keep up.

There is a pattern folks. Vaccines contain deadly neurotoxins and the people who push them so fervently can’t think enough anymore to even question them. Well, that is, until Donald J. Trump says they’re good. Now every ‘Never-Trumper’ is questioning not only a Covid vaccine, but ALL vaccines. Isn’t that hilarious! Thanks for tuning in to find out how Trump is not only protecting the Constitution and your health freedom, but he’s outsmarting the most insidious industry on Earth – the vaccine industry.

Tune your internet dial to Vaccines.news for updates on the fake Covid vaccine that doesn’t work and embeds a Bill Beelzebub Gates microchip in your body to be “activated” at a later time. Meanwhile, all the Covid-vaxxed-sheeple will be shedding Covid on each other, wondering what just happened.

So now maybe everyone will get a chance to heal from all those dreaded vaccines, and the country might actually get healthier by questioning now what they should have been questioning all along. In fact, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) mortality rates have dramatically decreased because of the reduction in well-baby checkups due to Covid-19. Heck, vaccination rates are down 70 percent since the “pandemic” began, and infant deaths are down 30 percent. Could it all be due to vaccines? We think so. It’s rather obvious.


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