What Every Canadian Worker Needs to Know About Asbestos
(NC) Asbestos is a fire-resistant material that has been used in many building products, such as cement and plaster, floor and ceiling tiles, house siding and vermiculite-based attic insulation. It may also be found in brake pads and vehicle transmission components.
If you work around any of these products, you and your employer need to take precautions to protect yourself and other employees from asbestos exposure.
Asbestos can pose health risks when material containing the substance is disturbed, releasing fibres into the air we breathe. If that happens, those fibres can lodge in your lungs, and potentially cause cancer and other illnesses.
If you work in an industry where you may be exposed to asbestos, be aware that there are federal, provincial and territorial regulations to safeguard you from exposure to asbestos.
If you think your workplace may be unsafe, or if you have concerns about possible exposure to asbestos in your workplace, you may wish to consult your health and safety committee.
You can also check the regulations yourself by contacting your federal, provincial or territorial workplace occupational health and safety office. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety provides a list of these offices at www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/information/govt.html.
For more information, visit Canada.ca/health
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