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Three Reasons to Self-Publish your Book with Agora Publishing Toronto

When some people hear the term self-publishing, they think it’s something only hobby authors do. It is also an option for all sorts of professionals who want to share their ideas and work, promote their businesses, and of course, make a profit. Thanks to technologies such as print-on-demand media, it is easier than ever to make any book you want and put it up for sale. is a great option for writers who want to self-publish high quality and mass marketable books in Toronto. Here are five reasons to self-publish your book with Agora Publishing.

Complete control

Due to the expansion of the self-publishing industry; creative professionals can now get their work out to the world exactly how they pictured it, without having to compromise or change anything in it.

If you sign up with a traditional publisher, it’ll mean relinquishing your creative control. This means that your vision can be changed by the publishing house to better suit their priorities and agenda. Usually, it also means that you’ll be forfeiting your content rights. Once a publisher buys your work, they have the power over it and can decide when it’s printed, how it’ll be printed, and how much it’ll be sold for after printing. But if you self-publish, you’ll be the sole owner of everything concerning the book.

Quick to set-up

With traditional publishing, your work may take up to two years or more before it hits the bookshelves. Self-publishing, on the other hand, lets you get your project out to your fans as quickly as possible so you can move on to your next project. As long as you've put all the final touches on your project, you can upload it to a self-publishing site, choose where you want it to sell, and within days or weeks, your fans will be able to buy it. Traditional publishing can take up to years because you'll first need to secure a publishing deal, negotiate the contract, and make sure you revise and edit it.

Reach a wider audience

Self-published authors own all the rights to their works, which means that they can set the book up for sale in any country, through any channel, and in any format (print, eBook, or audio). They can decide where and when to sell the book, how they want to promote it, and as a result, can reach a global audience. A traditional publishing house won't' know your fans/followers the way you do, and so don't know how to properly market to them. Since you'll be doing all the work by yourself, it also means you'll get to enjoy all the profits and rewards too.
Are you an author in the Toronto area? Are you looking for a place where you can self-publish your latest book or literary project?

Then visit Agora Books. Agora is a non-profit organisation founded in 1997 that brings accessible publishing to writers in Toronto, the rest of Canada, and internationally. Agora caters to teachers, community college, and university professors looking to self-publish. Agora offers their self-publishing book services as a partner to help you market, distribute, and of course, facilitate production of your book. 


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